Gregor Alexander, MD

Specialty: Neonatology
Gregor Alexander, MD

I choose Orlando Health

I choose to be part of a committed team.

I decided to become a pediatrician when I was just 7 years old. I felt it would be the most rewarding field in the world. And it has been.

Being a neonatologist means being part of an incredible team that provides lifesaving support and care to the most precious and fragile human beings: our babies.

Orlando Health offers outstanding hospitals dedicated to children, women and babies, where physicians are an integral part of a team of providers delivering care with commitment and compassion.

I am Dr. Alexander and I choose Orlando Health

Specialty: Neonatology

The Alexander Center for Neonatology is committed to providing the highest level of care for newborns with highly skilled, life-saving interventions to critically ill newborns.

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