
Flu Season Comes to a Close

Flu activity in the United States has peaked and is decreasing in most states. The risk of coming in to contact with someone who has the flu is less now than during peak flu season; however, everyone should remain vigilant as flu cases are still being reported nationwide.

As flu season winds down, Orlando Health’s 2017-2018 flu prevention program will come to an end on April 30. On May 1, team members should remove flu stickers from their badges. Those who opted not to receive the seasonal influenza vaccine may also stop wearing surgical masks as a flu precaution.

Team members should remain cautious of flu-like symptoms and stay home from work if ill. It’s important to continue good hygiene practices—including hand-washing, and not coming to work if you have symptoms of influenza (fever greater than 100.4° f with any of the following: cough, runny nose, sore throat or congestion), do not return to work until fever free (less than or equal to 100.4° f) for 24 hours, without the aid of fever reducing medicines.