
Stop The Bleed - Training Class For The Community

Once Every Three Months (Quarterly) 6:00pm – Check Registration Form for Specific Dates

No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes; therefore, it is important to quickly stop the blood loss.

Course participants can begin the first portion of the training by completing an interactive tutorial, and receiving an initial certificate. You will then need to register below for the hands-on segment, where you will demonstrate skills learned in the interactive training. At the completion of the course, you will receive a final certificate of participation.

Click here for the interactive tutorial

Bleeding Control Basic (BCon) course is designed for bystanders who have little or no medical training but who may be called upon as immediate responders to provide initial trauma care and bleeding control to a victim of traumatic injury prior to the arrival of emergency medical services (EMS).

Click Here

All attendees must pre-register

To register for the Stop The Bleed - Training Class For The Community

Click Here

Instructor Course Registration

Stop The Bleed - Instructor course registration

Who Can Teach the BCon Course?

Instructors for the BCon Course include:

  • PHTLS instructors
  • PHTLS providers who have successfully completed the BCon Provider Course
  • TCCC/TECCC instructors or providers
  • ATCN/TNCC instructors or providers who have successfully completed the BCon Provider Course
  • Any EMR, EMT, paramedic, RN, PA or MD who has successfully completed a BCon Provider Course
  • Any ATLS instructor or provider who has successfully completed a BCon Provider Course
  • Any NAEMT instructor for any other NAEMT continuing education course who has successfully completed a BCon Provider Course

Associate instructors welcomed as well.

For more information or to register, please email [email protected].

Must be 18 years or older.


North Tower Location 

ORMC - North Tower

52 W. Underwood St.
Orlando, FL 32806

Please park in garage across from hospital on Underwood St.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact us at [email protected].