Veterans Volunteer For A Special Revitalization Project At The Hubbard House
The Mission Continues chose the Orlando Health hospitality house for one of its service missions.
Sabrina Childress
Orlando Health
Media Relations & Public Affairs Manager
[email protected]
Priscila Kalagian
The Mission Continues
Communications Squad Leader
[email protected]
ORLANDO, Fla. — Veterans from The Mission Continues are lending helping hands at The Hubbard House — a home away from home to family members and loved ones of pediatric and adult patients from outside the Orlando area who are being treated at Orlando Health.
A group of 20 men and women who have served in the military, along with their families and friends, continued their passion to serve and spent Saturday, April 4, painting and gardening at the hospitality house. The group of volunteers also cooked lunch and bring food for guests.
The Orlando Service Platoon of The Mission Continues focuses on services projects that support children.
Find out more about what The Mission Continues did at the Hubbard House:
Orlando Sentinel: Military veterans continue to serve through volunteering in community
WKMG: Veterans help spruce up 'Hubbard Home'
About The Mission Continues
The Mission Continues empowers veterans facing the challenge of adjusting to life at home to find new missions. Through The Mission Continues, veterans serve their country in new ways. The first, The Mission Continues’ Fellowship, harnesses veterans’ strengths, skills, and their compassion and empowers them to volunteer with non-profit organizations in their community on a daily basis. The second, The Mission Continues’ Service Platoons, brings teams of veterans who are working together with partners at the local level to build stronger communities and tackle pressing issues.