The Orlando Health Network (OHN) was established in 2013 and provides physician practices the ability to participate in value-based care payer arrangements which rewards providers for improved patient outcomes. Skilled clinical and social support resources are availed to provide care coordination, chronic disease management, and care transition services to participating providers. Through these resources, physicians and their practice staffs receive performance reports to identify patients with high risk factors, clinical gaps in care, and assess other opportunities for clinical improvement.

The Orlando Health Network also equips providers with value based care tools and the guidance to utilize them effectively to transform the way we care for our patients.

Our Mission

To achieve better health outcomes, improve the patient and family member experience, and reduce unnecessary healthcare costs through proven and recognized best medical practices, care management, and innovation.

Our Vision

To be the provider network of choice to the patients, families, physicians, and payers in our community— a collaborative network chosen for its known ability to transform care through the tenets of population health.

Our Values

We will strive for continuous improvement of outcomes through patient-focused initiatives to coordinate care, manage chronic conditions, and meet the needs of our patients.

We will collaboratively support our network providers to achieve unmatched quality results for payer and employer partners—the network succeeds together.

We will invest in people and solutions to advance care delivery, enhance population wellness, and encourage efficient care practices.

We will treat all of our patients and partners with high professional and moral standards of honesty, transparency, and integrity.

Network Overview & Definitions

  • Clinical Integration

    Clinical Integration is a strategy to improve healthcare quality and value through collaboration among providers and healthcare systems. Orlando Health Network is the region’s largest and highest performing clinically integrated network (CIN) focused on achieving the Triple Aim.

    Clinical integration involves coordinating care between all providers, sharing of clinical data from electronic medical records and claims data from payer partners, expanding patient access to care, implementation of evidenced-based medicine guidelines, and streamlining costs across the care continuum.

  • Value Based Care

    Value Based Care (VBC) is a type of reimbursement model which rewards providers for quality performance and cost management relative to predetermined targets, rather than the current model of rewarding increased volumes of care. CINs participate in many VBC arrangements with payer partners collaboratively coordinate care, manage chronic conditions, and drive cost savings.

    In 2013, Orlando Health Network launched the first health system-led federal payer VBC arrangement in Florida and the first commercial VBC arrangement in Central Florida. Since that time, Orlando Health Network has continued to distinguish itself as a “Value Leader” by achieving the market’s highest quality scores while simultaneously delivering cost-effective care with all VBC contracts.

  • Population Health

    Population Health is the holistic approach to improving overall health outcomes of a community through implementation of best clinical practices, use of advanced care coordination services, deployment of new and innovative care models, and the consideration of social and economic determinants of health within the population.

    Population Health efforts are largely enhanced through effective clinical integration of providers across the community which enables greater provider collaboration, reductions in unnecessary and duplicative care, and expand access to care—ultimately driving higher quality outcomes at a reduced overall spend.