This is a forum where providers are encouraged to attend. The compassion rounds are facilitated by a physician coach, who is qualified to process and debrief the participants. Compassion Rounds offer clinical providers a time during their fast-paced work lives to openly discuss the social and emotional issues they face in caring for patients and families. In contrast to traditional medical rounds, the focus is on the human dimension of medicine.

The rounds are facilitated by a physician coach. Caring for others is like making withdrawals from an “emotional bank account.” The more you do for patients and their families the more you withdraw. There’s nothing wrong with making withdrawals as long as you are also making deposits. However, losses and other experiences, especially unexpected or involving young patients, can cause larger “withdrawals” and lead to compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue essentially means not having enough capital to give to other patients and it can even begin to impact personal relationships.


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