Our Dietitian Answers: "What's the best diet to follow?"
When people find out I am a registered dietitian, the first words out of their mouth isusually, “What diet should I follow?” They are almost always surprised by my answer, “none”. Here’s why: whenever you go on a diet, there is the eventual going off that diet. Many diet plans do work because there is a restriction in calories and people are genuinely able to lose weight. The problem is they never keep it off.
The best diet is no diet. The real answer takes a commitment to permanent lifestyle change. Create your own eating plan while making permanent changes to your lifestyle that result in reduced calories. Examples of doing so are:
- Eating smaller meat portions and less often
- Choosing leaner meat (fish, chicken, bison)
- Drinking water instead of sweetened beverages
- Reducing portion sizes
- Avoid fried foods
- Eat at home when possible instead of dining out
- Exercising
- Avoiding sugars
- Choosing low fat dairy products
- 78% eat breakfast every day
- 75% weigh themselves at least once a week
- 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week
- 90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day