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How to Tell if a Weight-Loss Program Will Be Successful

April 16, 2020

The journey to bariatric surgery and beyond can be a long one that requires commitment and a supporting cast of resources. That’s why the most successful weight-loss programs include not only surgeons but nutritionists and psychologists organized under the umbrella of a bariatric institute. Their goal is to help start, facilitate and support a patient’s weight-loss journey across several months and even years. 

While weight-loss surgery can provide a potentially life-changing solution for people living with obesity, bariatric institutes can provide their patients (current and prospective) with a range of additional services — from diet assistance and exercise education to emotional and psychological support. 

What’s the Purpose of a Bariatric Institute?

Through extensive evaluation and thoughtful discussion, medical professionals at a bariatric institute are able to form an individualized and realistic weight-loss plan tailored to the specific patient. While the road to health can be longer and more difficult for some, a bariatric surgeon’s goal is to help you enjoy your life to the fullest. Bariatric institutes are able to achieve this through treating medical issues, helping you to cease or decrease your medications and, if necessary and possible, providing weight-loss surgery.

What Resources Are Available?

If you’re a candidate for bariatric surgery, you’ll likely receive much more help than just having a surgical treatment. To begin with, weight-loss centers are highly involved in groundbreaking medical research. Their role as research and teaching facilities is to provide numerous resources for patients, including access to trials led by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as consultations with nutritionists and psychologists. These institutes are on the leading  edge of technology and research in regard to minimally invasive bariatric surgery and weight-loss programs. 

Why Do Bariatric Institutes Have Psychologists?

Every patient’s personal history with their weight is different. That stated, you may seek help because your relationship to food is being affected in part by your mental health. You may have heard the terms “emotional eaters” or “stress eaters” — descriptions that refer to those who self-treat mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, by overeating. 

Bariatric institutes provide psychological care to help you talk through and better understand these types of issues. Whether through therapy, medication or both, mental health providers also help support you before, during and after your weight-loss journey.

How Do Bariatric Institutes Promote Weight Loss?

Bariatric institutes and the patients they serve work side by side to create meaningful and lasting changes for patients’ health. With the ongoing help of an expert medical team, all patients must commit to lifestyle changes and modifications. While weight loss can be very difficult at first for some, you are able to work alongside medical experts to develop clear and structured diet and exercise plans. These plans aren’t temporary, but rather long-term  roadmaps to new and healthier lifestyles. Bariatric institutes also encourage regular follow-up visits in order to track progress and address any issues you may have along the way. 

Do All Patients Succeed?

It’s important to remember that bariatric institutes and their staffs can only provide resources and treatments — they don’t alter the lifestyle choices you may make at home. You must commit to following through with a physician’s recommendations. Without dedication, even those who have undergone bariatric surgery may regain the weight they once considered lost for good. Fortunately, many do dedicate themselves to their weight-loss journey and are able to experience successful, life-altering changes as a result.


Lose weight. Win life.

For weight loss wins, choose life-changing care with the Orlando Health Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery Institute. 

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