Event Date: December 4-5, 2021

Course Directors: Shyam Varadarajulu, MD & Robert Hawes, MD

The Orlando Health Digestive Health Institute held its inaugural symposium at the Gaylord Palms Convention Center in Kissimmee, Florida. The event focused on six clinical areas:

  • Motility Disorders
  • Liver Diseases
  • Functional Bowel Disorders
  • Luminal Diseases
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges in the Pancreas and Bile Duct

 The videotaped content is available for educational viewing purposes.

Florida Digestive Diseases Update 2021: Session 1

Dear Colleagues: We are pleased to provide the video recordings of Florida Digestive Diseases Update held in Orlando, Florida on December 4 & 5, 2021. The symposium comprehensively covered several major topics in digestive diseases and was composed of six clinical sessions, 90 minutes each. Each session included 4 lectures by National faculty and two case presentations. This is the video recording of Session 1. I hope you enjoy the recording and find it to be of value to your clinical practice. Sincerely Shyam Varadarajulu, MD ----------Session 1 Lectures -------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 Introduction 03:49 Personalized management of PPI refractory GERD - John Pandolfino, MD 19:49 Esophageal motility: Diagnosis and management - John Pandolfino, MD 33:28 Eosinophilic esophagitis: Drugs, diet and dilation - Ikuo Hirano, MD 55:27 Dysplastic Barrett's esophagus: Hot, cold or cut? - Sachin Wani, MD 1:14:09 Case presentation and discussion

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