Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography CCTA and Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR)
A coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) test examines the arteries that supply blood to your heart. The test uses an injection of contrast material containing iodine (allows doctors to view your arteries more clearly) and CT scanning technology. Results enable doctors to determine if your arteries have narrowed.
A non-invasive fractional flow reserve (FFR) analysis uses data from your CCTA scan to create a personalized 3D model of your coronary arteries. Our team can then analyze the impact any blockages have on your blood flow.
Our imaging nurse will explain the procedure and take your vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration, height and weight). Since we are taking images of your heart, your heart rate needs to be at rest, at about 60 to 100 beats per minute. The nurse may need to give you an oral medication to lower your heart rate before the test. This medication may take up to an hour to work.
To begin, your nurse will dilate your heart vessels by placing a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue. Next, our onsite laboratory technician will start an intravenous (IV) line through a vein in your arm. They will then inject a contrast material into your blood through the IV line. When the contrast solution enters your system, you may feel warm all over.
Once your heart reaches its resting rate, the CT technologist will bring you to the scanner room and take your medical history. You will lay down on the scan table, and the technician will attach you to a heart rate monitor. During the scan, the CT technologist will be by your side and tell you what to do. If your heart rate rises during the test, they can inject medicine into your IV to lower it back to its resting rate. The CT scan itself takes less than 10 minutes.
Once your test is complete, we will process the CT images and give them to your doctor to read your results. Your doctor may want to perform FFR analysis if they find partial narrowing of the arteries around your heart.
A non-invasive fractional flow reserve (FFR) analysis uses data from your CCTA scan to create a personalized 3D model of your coronary arteries. This analysis allows the doctor to determine how the narrowing affects your blood flow.
There is a separate charge for the FFR analysis, so our team will contact you and give you an estimate of fees before we do the analysis. You may not need the FFR analysis, but it is very important to do it if the doctor requests it. If recommended and you or your insurance company do not agree to pay for the FFR analysis, your primary cardiologist will most likely order further testing or a heart catheterization.
If the FFR analysis comes back normal, you will not need immediate further testing unless your primary doctor requests it.
The complete process for the blood tests and CT scan will take one to two hours. To prepare for your test, you should:
- Arrive one hour and 30 minutes before your appointment time for any blood tests needed.
- Avoid caffeine, decaffeinated beverages or chocolate for 12 hours before your appointment. This includes coffee, tea, cocoa, soda pop and other caffeinated drinks.
- Bring any recent lab results, including eGFR and creatinine (kidney function) tests if available.
- Bring a list of your current medications or your medications in their bottles.
- Bring any images not done at Orlando Health.
- Drink plenty of water the day before the test.
- Leave jewelry at home and wear comfortable clothing.
If you need to cancel or reschedule the test, please call the radiology department at (321) 843-5087 at least 48 hours before your appointment.
If you do not show up for your appointment, or you do not give 48 hours’ notice to cancel or reschedule, you may be charged a fee of up to $200 to cover the cost of the medications ordered for your test.
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