Preventing Health Problems In Your 20s

  • Bone mass peaks in your 20s so it's important to build bone through weight-bearing exercises like hiking, running and strength-training to reduce your risk for osteoporosis later in life. Get regular exercise—”at least 30 minutes on most days of the week—”and vary your exercise program for the best results.
  • Protect your skin and eyes from the damaging effects of the sun to reduce your risk for conditions like skin cancer, vision problems and premature aging of the skin. 
  • Practice good hygiene. Shower or bathe daily, brush and floss your teeth twice a day, and follow recommendations for preventing illnesses, such as washing your hands frequently.
  • Find a primary care provider and medical specialists (e.g., dermatologist, gynecologist, dentist, eye doctor) for routine health care.
  • Talk to your parents and other relatives about your family health history to help determine your genetic risk for certain medical conditions. Share information about your family and personal medical history with your health care providers.