The Work Number

Orlando Health team members use The Work Number service when you apply for a loan, need a reference check; lease an apartment or any other instance where proof of employment or income is needed. You benefit from having control of the process 24/7 – by authorizing others access to your information.

Employer Code: 14399

Toll Free Number: 1.800.367.5690

* For proof of employment plus income, in addition to employer code 14399, provide your social security number & PIN (last 4 digits of SSN & 4 digit birth year).

If you need assistance, please contact:

The Work Number Client Service Center

1.800.996.7566 (Voice)
1.800.424.0253 (TTY – Deaf)
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. (EST)