Be Proactive

Keeping up with your flu shot, annual exams and screenings now means less time, and money, spent on care down the road. Protect your health by scheduling an appointment with Orlando Health Physician Associates today.

Regular health exams, tests, and immunizations can help your primary care physician to identify any potential issues that require added attention. It's your physician’s goal to find them before they progress and develop into life-threatening problems. When you get the right annual screenings at the right times in your life, you are taking necessary steps towards self-care, steps that can help you stay healthy and live a longer life.

Table of Screenings and Immunizations
Types of exam or Screening Ages 18-39 Ages 40-49 Ages 50-64 Ages 65+
Health Checkups Annually Annually Annually Annually
Blood Pressure Annually Annually Annually Annually
Blood Sugar After age 45, every 3 years Every 3 years every 3 years
Cholesterol Every 5 Years*
More often for smokers, diabetic, or a family history of heart disease
Every 5 Years Every 5 Years Every 5 Years
Colonoscopy - After age 45, every 10 years Every 10 years Every 10 years
Dental Exam Every 6 to 12 months Every 6 to 12 months Every 6 to 12 months Every 6 to 12 months
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine Between ages 11 & 26 - - -
Flu Vaccine Annually Annually Annually Annually
Lung Cancer - - For people who have a history of heavy smoking, and smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years and are between 50 and 80 years old. -
Pneumococcal Vaccine - - - After 65, one to two doses
Skin and Mole Self-exam Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Skin and Mole Exam by Physician Every 3 Years Annually Annually Annually
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap or Td) Once every 10 years 1 dose Tdap each pregnancy; 1 dose Td/Tdap for wound management - - -
Zoster Recmobinant (RZV) - - Once -
Female Only Exams
Breast Self-exam Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Mammogram Starting at age 35, every 1 to 2 years Every 1 to 2 years Annually Annually
Pelvic Exam Annually Annually Annually Annually
Male Only Exams
Testicular Self-exam Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Prostate-specific Antigen Test - - Annually Annually

For more information, recommendations, and special situations, please visit the CDC website here.

The above suggested guidelines assumes the patient is a healthy individual, please consult your physician before requesting any screenings or immunizations.

COVID-19 Vaccination

ACIP recommends use of COVID-19 vaccines for everyone ages 12 and older within the scope of the Emergency Use Authorization for the particular vaccine. COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines may be administered on the same day. See the COVID-19 Vaccine Information page for additional information about COVID-19 vaccines.

When it comes to your checkups, there are many myths keeping people from visiting their primary care physician (PCP). But the fact is, you deserve to be certain about your health. Here are common reasons why people skip their annual checkups, and why you shouldn’t.

Who Should Get a Flu Shot?

The short answer: Anyone over the age of 6 months.

We’re glad you asked. Some of the populations that many assume shouldn’t get a flu shot actually have a higher risk of developing life-threatening complications from the flu. Pregnant women, children under 5, adults over 65, and people with chronic medical conditions are the most vulnerable, but serious health issues caused by the flu can happen to anyone. Our experts make protecting yourself and your family as easy as scheduling a next day appointment.

Orlando Health Physician Associates is one of the largest multi-specialty healthcare groups in Central Florida. This includes over 180 doctors practicing Family Medicine, Adult Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Podiatry. With locations all across Central Florida, Physician Associates prides itself on providing high quality, easy access to healthcare for families.

Checkups and Immunizations

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