
All Search Results

  • What Sweat Tells Us About Our Health

    The way, and how much, you sweat can give you a good idea of how healthy you are – and alert you when something might be wrong, 

  • Mysterious Bruises, Night Sweats — Is It Blood Cancer?

    Maybe you’ve had a bruise that appeared easily, and you can’t recall having bumped into anything that would have caused it. Perhaps you noticed a swollen lymph node that remained that way, even after a few weeks. Each ailment is easy enough to ignore, but if you’ve felt feverish as well, even experiencing night sweats, it may be time to visit your doctor. These symptoms can precede the onset of blood cancer. 

  • Do You Sweat Excessively? It May Be More than a Nuisance

    On a hot day when you're physically active, sweating can seem like a nuisance. It drips down your face and into your eyes, even soaking your clothes to the point of discomfort. Still, sweating is an important bodily function that serves to keep the body cool. As sweat evaporates from your skin, it draws heat out of your body, which helps prevent you from overheating.

  • Break a Sweat and Give Your Brain a Boost

    Exercise is good for your heart, and it also can lower blood pressure, prevent diabetes and help you lose weight. But did you know it’s good for your brain, too? When you exercise, your cerebral blood flow increases and helps protect against age-related loss of grey matter. And because physical activity also lowers resting cortisol levels over time, you’re better able to manage stress and prevent cognitive decline — possibly lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

  • Car Seat Assistance

    Three out of four car seats are used incorrectly. Is yours? Join in a FREE car seat checkpoint and learn how to properly install your child restraint. We have certified child passenger safety technicians available to assist.

  • Great Strides 5K Walk

    There will be fun, food and festivities at the walk.

  • What Makes Us Different

  • Jon F. Sweet, MD

  • Healthy West Orange +One

    +One is an innovative, interactive program designed to inspire you to eat well, stay active and enjoy life. 

  • Horizon West Hospital Volunteer Services