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  • Does Weighing Yourself Help?

    Stepping on the scale can be a fear-inducing experience, but a recent study indicates that doing so could help you maintain a healthy weight.

  • Why Deep Sleep Helps Your Brain

    Anyone who’s spent a long night tossing and turning understands the value of a good night’s sleep. It’s not just the number of hours you spend in that bed, it’s the quality of sleep you get while you’re there that matters. 

  • Does Sleeping Well Help You Lose Weight?

    Getting a good night’s sleep improves your physical and mental health – and it can help you lose weight, too. 

  • Stretches Help Prevent Sports Injuries

     By Elizabeth Davis, MD, Pediatric Sports Medicine Specialist

  • Sitting Too Much? 5 Easy Exercises May Help

    A phrase trending in the exercise community is that “sitting is the new smoking.” In recent months many of us have found ourselves glued to a chair — whether because we are distance working, helping a child with schoolwork or relaxing. But the human body was not designed for hours of sitting, and the resulting health problems extend beyond stiff necks and back pain. Long, sedentary stretches usher in a number of body woes, including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, deep-vein thrombosis and metabolic syndrome. 

  • High-Risk Pregnancy? Low-Dose Aspirin Can Help

    Weight gain, nausea and swollen feet are typical discomforts when you’re pregnant. But for up to 8 percent of pregnant women, those seemingly harmless symptoms can signal the onset of preeclampsia. This serious condition is linked to an increase in maternal and infant mortality, and affects up to 15 percent of preterm births in the U.S. 

  • Safety Tips That Will Help Keep Your Holidays Happy

    For most of us, the holidays are a time when we may take some extra time off work to shop for presents or spend time with friends and family. A lot of people pull Grandma’s recipe book off the shelf and try some of her traditional recipes. The holidays are also a time when people like to travel, either to visit relatives or experience the season in a different place.

  • 3 Tips To Help You Safely Deal with Chronic Pain

    Disease, injury and aging have at least one thing in common: Pain. While short-term pain is the body’s way of signaling damage and encouraging rest to allow for recovery, chronic pain sticks around long past any normal healing time, disrupting sleep and potentially leading to social withdrawal and isolation.

  • Pelvic Pain? Rehab Can Help

    It may be difficult to talk about, but pelvic pain and dysfunction are real issues. Although you may think that problems associated with the pelvis, like pain, incontinence or constipation are conditions you have to live with, that’s not true. Pelvic dysfunction may be common, but it’s not normal, and pelvic rehabilitation can help.

  • Can Anything Help My IBS?

    You have plans for the day, but before you can get started, the abdominal pain starts. Whether it is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, the pain may only go away for a while once you defecate — but it may come back, keeping you in the bathroom, ruining your plans and your day. Although anyone can have stomach discomfort occasionally, if you have had these symptoms three days a month for the past three months, you may have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).