Gastroenterology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of people with diseases affecting the stomach, intestines, and other digestive organs. There are several types of procedures available to detect abnormalities in the upper and lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Endoscopy, for example, is a common procedure used to detect many upper and lower problems. Patients who suffer from acute heartburn, indigestion and unexplained abdominal pain may also be treated by these specialists.
Gastroenterology (Digestive Diseases) is performed at the following facilities:
- Dr. P. Phillips Hospital
- St. Cloud Hospital
Gastrointestinal Cancers (Stomach Cancers)
Our physicians work closely with Orlando Health Cancer Institute experts to diagnose and treat gastrointestinal cancers. We offer the latest in robotic surgery for the treatment of gastrointestinal tumors.
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Orlando Health Medical Group Urology is committed to the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients with urological disorders, such as erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, prostate cancer.
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While urologic and pelvic floor problems are common after childbirth, you don’t have to live with them. Many treatment options are available.
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