Nurse typing

At Orlando Health, we encourage you to be an active participant in your daily care by providing clear communication with you and among your healthcare team.

Communication Board

Your room has a whiteboard you can see from your bed. Each day your nurse writes the names of the care team working with you for each shift. Your nurse also will list your goals and activities for each day. Please review your whiteboard with your nurse.

Bedside Shift Report

At each shift change, the nurse finishing the shift and the nurse beginning the new shift will meet at your bedside to discuss your plan of care and set goals of care with you. This time is an opportunity for you to meet the nurse taking over your care, ask any questions or share concerns or information you may have. This shift report takes place twice each day – at 6:45 am and 7:15 pm.

Frequent Rounds

We make frequent rounds throughout the day and night to enhance the quality of care and to ensure your safety. Making frequent rounds helps us to anticipate and meet your needs. This is a great time to let the care team know your preferences and how they can assist you.

Leader Rounds

A hospital leader will also make rounds and check on you daily, ensuring your needs are met and that you are satisfied with your care. If you are not fully satisfied with your care, please let the leader know.