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  • Endocrinology and Diabetes

    Our endocrinology staff diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the endocrine system, most commonly, diabetes and thyroid dysfunction.

  • Oncofertility Program

    Many pediatric cancer survivors wish to start families and have children of their own one day. But some cancer treatments can affect a child's fertility (ability to have future children). This is why it is important to think about your child's fertility before cancer treatment starts.

  • Endocrinology

    Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that studies the endocrine system which is responsible for secreting different hormones throughout your body. Most hormones are delivered through the blood stream, but there are several organs and glands that secrete these hormones for which endocrinologists specialize. Orlando Health Medical Group Endocrinology assists referring physicians in the diagnosis and management of a variety of endocrinological disorders.

  • Surgery Eases Symptoms of PCOS: 'I'm So Much Happier'

    The hormonal rollercoaster of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) wreaked havoc on Erika life for years, causing unpredictable menstrual cycles, acne and fertility challenges. Living with PCOS also made birth control choices another monthly problem for the busy marketing professional.

  • How Does Diabetes Affect My Heart?

    Americans with type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to develop heart disease and particularly coronary artery disease, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. But what many diabetics may not know is why these serious conditions are linked. 

  • Exciting? Scary? What It’s Like to Have Quadruplets

    Something was wrong. The technician at the doctor’s office in Charlotte, N.C., was performing the ultrasound, when her entire demeanor changed. She said excuse me, placed her ultrasound wand back on the machine and left the room.

  • When Should I Begin to Consider Freezing My Eggs?

    The average age of first-time mothers has increased over the last 15 years, from 24.9 years old to 26.3 years old, according to government data.

  • When your doctor drops the D-bomb: Diabetes

    Your doctor says you have diabetes. And you immediately think, he must be mistaken.

  • What is "Go Red for Women" all about?

    What is Go Red for Women Month?

    This month is the time to recognize the importance of cardiovascular disease as a health concern for women, and take action to make things better.

  • How Your Healthcare Team Works Together

    Managing your medical care can be overwhelming and confusing, with multiple doctors performing different healthcare procedures. That’s why it’s important to have a  primary care provider (PCP) who can connect you with specialists so you’ll receive the best care.