Tumor Ablation


Tumor ablation is a procedure, similar to kyphoplasty, used when the source of your spinal pain is traced to a tumor. It uses specialized equipment (including needles and probes) guided by advanced imaging to locate the area of your spine that is causing the pain. It is not uncommon to find compression fractures in the area, since tumors can weaken bones.

The procedure aims to relieve pain by eradicating the tumor and repairing related fractures. During the minimally invasive procedure, your doctor may biopsy the tumor and destroy it with heat. Fractures will be repaired through kyphoplasty.

  • Painful bone tumors can make every day a challenge.

    Painful bone tumors can make every day a challenge.

  • One or two probes are inserted through small (1cm) incisions.

    One or two probes are inserted through small (1cm) incisions.

  • Energy is emitted to destroy the cancerous cells in less than 15 minutes.

    Energy is emitted to destroy the cancerous cells in less than 15 minutes.

Who Benefits?

You may be a candidate for this procedure if your doctors suspect your back pain is being caused by a tumor in the bones of your spine.

Recovery Expectations

You can expect to have the tumor ablation done in an outpatient setting, with no overnight stay in the hospital. The procedure is done under sedation or anesthesia and generally takes less than an hour.

After a brief recovery, you will be sent home. Pain relief may be almost immediate, or it may take a few days. You’ll have a bandage and may feel sore for several days.