Frequently Asked Questions

People have questions when they want to volunteer at a place that cares so much about others. Here are some of those questions.

How old do I have to be to volunteer?
You must be at least 16 years old to qualify for our teen program and 18 years old and older for our adult program.

Will volunteering help me secure a paid job at South Seminole?
No, volunteering is not a means for employment. If you are looking for employment we ask that you secure a job prior to starting as a volunteer. This is because we ask for a minimum commitment of six months for adults and you are required to fulfill that commitment on the same day and time each week.

Can I begin volunteering tomorrow?
No, due to the sensitivity and intensity of issues encountered in a hospital we have an extensive screening process that includes:

  • Criminal Background Check
  • PPD Questionnaire
  • Drug/Alcohol Screening
  • Interview and verification of three references

What if I am going on vacation or otherwise need to take time off from my volunteering schedule?
We ask that you notify us in advance so an alternate can be assigned.

What are the benefits provided to the volunteer by the hospital?
You are provided free parking, a free meal up to $6 for each four-hour shift that you work, a 20 percent discount at the SSH gift shop and free flu shots. We also have two volunteer recognition events each year.

Do I have to wear a uniform?
Yes, khaki tan or black slacks for men and women are to be worn with the hospital provided polo shirt. Soft soled, closed toe shoes that are clean and free of damage are to be worn at all times. No hats. No jackets.

The polo is provided to you by the hospital and each volunteer is responsible for its care.

Can my spouse volunteer with me at the same time?

Can I serve my court-ordered community service hours at the hospital?
No, Orlando Health does not accept applications from those attempting to complete court-ordered community services hours.

Can I come in whenever I have the time to volunteer?
No, due to scheduling of staff and other volunteers a regular schedule is necessary. A minimum of one four-hour shift on the same day and time each week required.