You are our number-one priority and we are here to provide you with safe, high-quality care. We work to ensure you have the best patient experience possible as we are committed to caring for you and about you.

A Guide to Your Room

This photo is an example of an Orlando Health hospital room; however your room may look different depending on your specific hospital and unit.

Inpatient Room

A      Overbed table

B      Medication pump

C      Suction for nose and mouth

D      Hand-held call bell

E      Blood pressure machine

F      Staff computer

Hand-held Call Bell

G      Call button to request assistance from a member of the clinical team

H      Keypad to manually change television channels

I       Comprehensive list of channels available to you

J       Volume and channel controls

K      TV power button

Telephone Dialing Instructions

For internal calls, dial the four-digit extension number. To make a local call, dial 9 and then the area code and number.

For Deaf and Hearing Impaired

For deaf and hearing-impaired patients, a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) is available upon request. Ask your nurse for assistance. Using a TDD, you may call Florida Relay at the appropriate toll-free numbers listed below:

  • 1 (800) 955-8771 (English TTY services)
  • 1 (800) 955-8770 (Voice)
  • 1 (877) 955-8773 (Spanish TTY Service)
  • 1 (877) 955-8707 (French Creole TTY Service)
  • 1 (877) 955-5334 Speech to Speech (STS)
  • 1 (877) 955-8260 Voice Carry-Over Direct (VCO-Direct)

Florida Relay customer service is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day at 1 (800) 676-3777 (English) and 1( 800) 676-4290 (Spanish).

Interpreter Services

We provide with foreign language interpreting services for most languages, including sign language. Services are available free of charge, 24/7, and include person-to-person, telephonic and video remote interpreting. Ask your nurse for assistance.

Visitor Etiquette

Visitors can be important for the healing process, and we encourage family and friends to visit. Visitation is permitted to the extent that your medical condition and personal preferences allow. For your optimal well-being, we ask that visitors follow any recommendations or restrictions set by your doctors and nurses.

Please Ask

As a patient at Orlando Health, you have the right to ask questions about anything and everything regarding your care. This includes questions about medications, doctor’s orders, tests, treatment plans and meals. We encourage you to ask.