Promoting a Quality and Safety Culture

Under the direction of its leadership, Orlando Health has demonstrated a commitment to promoting a culture of quality and safety through several significant programs. Our leadership positions for Quality and Patient Safety include:

  • Chief of Quality and Transformation
  • Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
  • Chief of Staff
  • Chief Quality Officers at each of Orlando Health’s sites
  • Director of Operational Performance Improvement
  • Director of Patient Safety and Transformation
  • Clinical Quality Specialists at each of Orlando Health’s sites

Among our many quality activities are the following team member recognition programs that promote healthcare safety and excellence:

  • Certified Zero Award – This team member recognition is given to nursing units for exceeding 12 months with zero harm events in 3 out of 5 specific quality measures.

  • Great Catch Award – Team members are recognized by senior leaders for catching and reporting near misses, unsafe conditions, potential problems or errors before they can affect patients, guests or other team members.

See our best practices and other supporting programs for more of our quality and safety initiatives.