At Orlando Health, we believe our communities should be empowered with information, including risks of developing breast cancer and steps to proactively prevent cancer. If you are at risk for breast cancer or have questions on how to prevent it, our multidisciplinary team of breast specialists, including genetic counselors, are here to answer your questions and help give you power over your health.


Tests to help with early detection of breast cancer are widely available and easy to do. A mammogram has been shown to decrease your chance of dying from breast cancer.

Get Your Mammogram Scheduled Today

Did you know screening mammograms are covered by your insurance and take as little as 20 minutes?

With lunchtime and later appointment times and same-day or next-day availability, you can conveniently fit your screening into your busy schedule — and it might help save your life.

With the highest level of infection prevention, screenings and recommended social-distancing practices at all our facilities, we are here and ready to deliver quality care and peace of mind.

Risk Factors

Talk to your primary care physician or your OB-GYN about your possible risk factors. Need to Find a Doctor?

Lowering your risk for breast cancer

If you are a woman at increased risk for breast cancer, there are some things you can do that might help lower your chances of developing breast cancer or help find it early.

  • Genetic counseling may be recommended to review your family history in detail. The counselor can explain how genetic tests can help and if this is a good option for you.
  • Observation can be increased with more frequent doctor visits, starting yearly mammograms at a younger age, or adding another screening test, such as a breast MRI.
  • Preventive surgery may be advised if you are among the small number of women who have a very high risk for breast cancer, such the BRCA gene mutation. Called prophylactic surgery, this procedure removes the breasts.

To find out if you could benefit from genetic counseling, take this questionnaire and discuss the results with your primary care provider or your OB-GYN.

Healthy Habits

While mammograms can help detect cancer early, there are other steps you can take to keep your breasts healthy and lower your risk for disease. Studies have shown that healthy habits, like eating right and exercising regularly, can help breast health.

Check Out These Free Guides to Breast Wellness

Breast Cancer Prevention Guides

Printable Steps to Improve Breast Wellness and How to Perform Breast Self-Exams – Stylish enough to stick to your mirror, this poster helps remind you of how to keep your breasts healthy and step-by-step on how to stay familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel.

Breast Self-Exam Guide for Men – Did you know? Breast cancer can affect men as well. So we created a self-exam guide for men.


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