Requirements for Program Completion

The residency program is structured as a two-year training program with curriculum that consists of both didactic and practical clinical training components. In order to satisfactorily complete the residency program, the resident must successfully complete all competencies listed for each rotation in the AHST System. This document contains the detailed requirements each resident must complete in order to obtain the appropriate sign-offs. In brief, these requirements include the following:

  1. Successfully complete all 10 structured rotations within the Department of Radiation Oncology. Successful completion of a rotation includes completion and sign-off on every competency or skill designated in the AHST System, satisfactorily passing the end-of-rotation oral exam, and satisfactory performance in the rotation evaluation.
  2. Residents are expected to attend 80% of required conferences, peer review, chart rounds, weekly physics seminars, and medical oncology lecture series that are relevant to the resident’s training.
  3. Successfully complete all independent clinical projects and reports designated in the AHST System. These projects and reports are designed to cover major clinical medical physics topics not encountered on a routine basis (e.g., linac acceptance and commissioning, treatment planning system commissioning, etc.).
  4. Successfully prepare and present eight seminars for the physics weekly seminar series as outlined in the AHST System.
  5. Successfully complete and review the two written examinations given at the end of year one and year two of residency.
  6. Obtain satisfactory performance evaluations from staff medical physicists for all clinical rotations and independent projects. If evaluation is not satisfactory, complete additional assignments to make up any deficiencies.
  7. Pass regular oral exams administered by the rotation advisor, the Program Director, and the Associate Program Director. If exam performance is not satisfactory, additional work in particular areas may be assigned followed by re-examination at a later date.