Medical Staff Services at Orlando Health

The Orlando Health Medical Staff Services Department serves the Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers, and Credentialed Allied Health Professionals. Our department provides credentialing and privileging, facilitates FPPE/OPPE, reappointment, provider education and on-boarding, and ensure adherence to the Medical Staff Bylaws. Our administrative team manages all department meetings, provider orientation, and provides administrative expertise to members of the medical staff.

Chief of Staff 2023-2025: Antonio Crespo, MD

Vice Chief of Staff 2023-2025: Sean Isaak, MD

Immediate Past Chief 2021-2023: David Nykanen, MD

Contact Information

Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Friday
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (321) 841-5139
Fax: (407) 841-5255 or (321) 843-6389
Located at: 1335 Sligh Blvd, 3rd Floor | MP 38 | Orlando, Florida 32806
Mailing Address: 1335 Sligh Blvd, 3rd Floor | MP 38 | Orlando, Florida 32806

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