Do you offer early commitment?

We offer early commitment for all PGY-2 programs (critical care, emergency medicine, hematology/oncology, and pediatrics). Early commitment is usually offered in October for those residents that are considered to be a good fit for our program but may be delayed to December if there are multiple candidates interested in the same position or if more time is needed for the program or candidate to make a firm decision.


Can I make changes to my rotation schedule throughout the residency year?

Yes, we typically plan the rotation calendar for the first half of the year (August through December) during orientation in July. Residents meet individually with their RPD to discuss their goals and interests prior to creating an individualized schedule that ensures each resident receives a rotation in their area of interest prior to the ASHP Midyear Meeting.  We know that it is common for interests to evolve throughout the residency year; therefore, we usually meet with the residents in November/December to re-evaluate their interests and create a rotation schedule for the second half of the year.  We are fortunate to have many diverse patient care rotations across multiple sites within Orlando Health, and with a yearly residency class of ~9 residents (PGY-1 and PGY-2 Orlando Health programs) we are usually able to accommodate rotation change requests even after the rotation calendar has been posted.


Do you offer a teaching certificate?

Yes, we offer teaching certificate programs through our affiliations with the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and the University of South Florida Health Taneja College of Pharmacy.


What does a typical day in the life of a resident look like?

Each month can vary depending on the type of rotation the resident is currently on. Most clinical rotations consist of patient workups and multidisciplinary rounds followed by topic discussions and patient care discussions with the preceptor in the afternoon. Non-patient care rotations will include meetings, topic discussions, and projects. Besides rotation requirements, the rest of the day is spent working on miscellaneous projects, such as drug information questions, research project, MUE, leadership responsibilities, seminar presentation, etc.


What have your residents done after residency?

See attached 2023 Alumni Roster.


Can you sponsor visas for residents who are not US citizens?

At this time, applicants for the PGY1 and PGY2 pharmacy residency programs are not eligible for VISA sponsorship.


What is unique about your residency program?

  • a. We offer a lot of guidance and preceptorship throughout the residency program
    1. Overall residency advisor (selected by the resident)
    2. At least two advisors on every longitudinal project
    3. Protected teaching time with the residents; preceptors (on most services) do not have direct patient care responsibilities in the afternoon
    4. Preceptors engaged and passionate about being part of the residency program
    5. Focus on leadership skills
    6. Management support of residency program
  • b. Focus on leadership skills — Orlando Health Downtown Campus
    1. Each resident picks a leadership position at the beginning of the year.
    2. Opportunities include Chief resident, Recruitment chair, Education coordinator, Code Blue 90 Coordinator, Editor-in-Chief, Professional Development Coordinator, Medication Safety Officer, Student coordinator, and Networking/Community Outreach Chair.
    3. Each of these positions has an advisor(s) and we all meet together monthly to discuss the progress and ongoing initiatives within each leadership position.
    4. Additionally, there are opportunities for committee involvement and meeting facilitation.


What role does a clinical pharmacist play at your institution?

the exact role clinical pharmacists have at orlando health depends upon their respective practice settings. each clinical pharmacist serves as the expert pharmacy resource for their medical team. some roles include, but are not limited to, daily patient rounds, therapeutic drug monitoring, answering drug information questions, optimizing medication regimens, patient education, and assisting with transitions of care. clinical pharmacists are also very involved with formulary management and overseeing the creation or modification of various order sets and protocols utilized throughout the health system.


What do the residents like to do for fun in orlando?

there are many ways to enjoy free time in the orlando area! our residents enjoy trying many of the diverse restaurant options and spending time together outside by the pool with a barbeque. the orlando community has frequent activities available such as sport games or food festivals. additionally, several of our residents take advantage of the tourist attractions nearby by purchasing annual passes to theme parks. lastly, we have had many beach days as it is only an hour away.