Curriculum, Rotations, Electives

- 9 blocks of Internal Medicine
- 2 blocks Stroke Inpatient
- 1 block General Neurology Inpatient Consults
- 1 block Outpatient Neurology specialty clinic
- 3 blocks Outpatient specialty clinic
- 3 blocks Stroke
- 3 blocks General Neurology Inpatient Consults
- 1 block Child Neurology Outpatient Clinics
- 2 blocks Elective time
- 2 General Neurology Inpatient Consults
- 1 block General Neurology Outpatient
- 2 blocks Stroke
- 1 block Child Neurology Inpatient
- 3 blocks Elective time
- 1 block Outpatient Neurology Clinics
- 1 block Outpatient Neurology Specialty Clinics
- 1 block Child Neurology Outpatient

- 2 blocks General Neurology Inpatient Consults
- 3 blocks Stroke Service Inpatient
- 1 block Outpatient Neurology Specialty Clinics
- 2 blocks Outpatient Neurology Outpatient
- 1 block Psychiatry
- 2 blocks Elective time
- 1 block Child Neurology
Neurology Didactics
There are a variety of conferences providing essential basic science and clinical instruction. The didactic curriculum is very flexible, and topics are adjusted frequently in response to the needs and interest of the residents. Bioethics, finances of medicine, and other contemporary subjects are integrated into the curriculum to provide residents additional interesting, relevant, and useful information which also includes:
- Residents attend monthly journal clubs which will be mentored by Neurology Faculty subspecialized in specific areas. The goal of journal club is to present new and innovative literature and aspects of care to the resident through journal articles and results of clinical trials.
- Residents have a yearlong didactic lecture series which covers the basic science aspect of neurological disease to the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. Residents are required to read the AAN Continuum publications which review in depth different disease states from bench to bedside. Residents are assigned grand rounds presentation dates.
- Residents receive lectures from a faculty with competency in Bioethics. Residents are expected to complete the AMA GME Competency Education Program specific modules.
- Residents receive lectures on cost-effective care. Residents also participate in the AMA GME Competency Program which addresses this topic.
- Residents have specific lectures in this area and review these principles during their rotation in Pain Management Clinic and in the ALS Clinic.
- Residents participate in lectures on this subject and will do at least one-month rotation in psychiatry.
Current Available Electives

- Headache
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Stroke Clinic
- Neuro Oncology
- Neuro Ophthalmology
- Neuro Rehabilitation
- Pain Medicine