Rohan Johnson, Pharm.D.

Dr. Rohan Johnson, from Orlando, FL, received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Florida in 2021. He completed his PGY-1 pharmacy residency at Orlando Health – Orlando Regional Medical Center in Orlando, FL. As a PGY-2 emergency medicine pharmacy resident at Orlando Health – Orlando Regional Medical Center, Dr. Johnson will participate in direct patient-care rounds and monthly code coverage. He will complete a research project evaluating the impact of emergency medicine pharmacists’ schedules and other associated operational/clinical duties on their perceived burnout rates. In addition, he will conduct a medication use evaluation on the duration of antibiotics prescribed at discharge from the emergency department. He will also present a continuing education seminar on the chemical management of acute stable arrhythmias. Following the completion of his residency, Dr. Johnson plans to pursue a clinical specialist position in emergency medicine.

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