Is this a 3 or 4 year program? +
PGY 1-3, founded in 1986
What is the number of EM residents per class? +
How many annual patient visits? +
How many ED beds? +
ORMC has 1,251 inpatient beds, 96 Adult ED beds, and 33 Peds ED beds
What are the boards pass rates? +
The program historically has a 100% 1st time EM board certification passage rate
How well respected is the EM program within the hospital? +
The EM residency is well established and has existed since 1986. It has full departmental status. Many of the EM faculty hold key administration positions in the hospital system, including the Chief Quality Officer for ORMC and Orlando Health’s Chief of Corporate Research Operations. The residents are well known for being hard-working, intelligent, and easy to work with, which earns the program a great deal of respect from other services.
How much time is devoted to EM vs Off-Service months? +
24 blocks of EM, 3 blocks of elective, and 12 blocks of off-service rotations. Each block is 4 weeks. See Program Curriculum for details
Do you have an EM orientation month? +
Yes, it is a great month of foundation learning and fun with your classmates
What are the roles / expectations of the residents in the ED? +
There is graded responsibility and graduated degree of autonomy for residents at each level.
Who “runs” traumas? +
We have >5K traumas annually. They are graded on a scale of increasing severity: Green, Yellow, Red, and Alert. Trauma alerts are handled by EM PGY3 residents and the trauma surgery team. The trauma surgery team includes an EM PGY1 who directly assists in the management and stabilization of the patient. Trauma Green, Yellow, and Reds are handled exclusively by EM residents. EM residents are responsible for all airways in all traumas.
How do didactics work? +
Didactics are offered twice a week for a total of 5 hours weekly. Approximately 75% of presentations are by our EM attending physicians or guest faculty, and 25% by residents.We incorporate a combination of lecture, sim, and small group learning.
What medical record system do you use? +
We use EPIC.
Can residents moonlight? +
Multiple in-house moonlighting opportunities exist for PGY2 and PGY3 residents. Moonlighting shifts are available in the low and moderate acuity sections of the ORMC ED as well as Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital. All shifts are supervised by our attendings. We additionally can moonlight in the ICU as extra coverage overnight.
How are residents evaluated? +
Bi-annual formal evaluations are conducted according to RRC standards. Residents are evaluated and develop based on attending, mentor, patient, and ancillary staff evaluations. Residents are also evaluated at the end of each off service rotation. Real-time feedback occurs throughout shifts and end of shift evaluations are completed by attendings. Narrated video feedback is provided for all of the ED bedside ultrasounds by our ultrasound faculty.
How much elective/vacation time is there? +
There are 3 blocks of elective time (1 block PGY2, 2 blocks PGY3). A sample of electives include Ultrasound, Research, Hawaii Community Medicine, Ophthalmology, Radiology, Administration, and others. There are 4 weeks of vacation yearly, taken in 7 day blocks. This includes one week during Christmas or New Year’s.
What volunteer/community service opportunities are there? +
There are 2 locally organized community service organizations with regular resident participation: Shepherd's Hope and the Coalition for the Homeless.
Is there a research requirement? +
Each resident is required to produce at least one scholarly project per RRC standards.
What fellowship opportunities are there? +
Currently we offer fellowships in Administration, Research, Emergency Medical Services, Pediatrics, Simulation/Medical Education, Ultrasound, and IT. There are also opportunities within the ORMC system for Critical Care and Sports Medicine fellowships.
Is pediatric training integrated/dispersed throughout the 3 years? +
Yes! Approximately 20-25% of our residents’ shifts in each EM block are at APH (our very own EM-run pediatrics Emergency Department right next to ORMC). In addition, there is a dedicated Pediatric Emergency Medicine month during PGY1. Residents will also rotate through the PICU and NICU during one block in PGY2. Overall, it is about 75:25 Adult:Pediatrics training.
How many letters of recommendation should I submit? Is a CORD letter required? +
3 letters of recommendation are recommended. The Standardized Letter of Evaluation (SLOE) CORD format is highly suggested, which can be found at www.cordem.org.
Does the program accept passing COMLEX scores in lieu of USMLE scores for osteopathic applicants? +
No, the program requires USMLE scores.
* If you have questions, not answered above, please reach out so we can help. Email us at [email protected] or call us at 407.237.6329.