


Schedule - Thirteen 4 week blocks annually


  • 1 block Orientation
  • 4 blocks ED
  • 1 block Pediatric ED
  • 1 block Obstetrics*
  • 1 block Orthopedics*
  • 1 block Anesthesia/Ultrasound*
  • 1 block of Pediatric NICU
  • 1 block Medical ICU
  • 2 blocks Trauma Surgery



  • 7 blocks ED
  • 1 block Adult CVICU
  • 1 block Surgical ICU
  • 1 block Medical ICU
  • 1 block Pediatric ICU
  • 1 block Veterans Hospital (VA)*
  • 1 block Emergency Medical Services (EMS)*
  • 1 block Elective*





  • 9 blocks ED
  • 1 block Teaching Resident in the ED
  • 1 block Community ED (South Seminole)*
  • 2 blocks Elective*


*Vacation blocks in addition to Christmas or New Year’s (28 days annual vacation)


  • Conference is held on Tuesday & Thursday from 7:00-9:30am and features interactive teaching formats, simulation-based training, hands-on sessions, interactive case-based didactics, and joint conferences with our fellow residencies and specialists.
  • Approximately 75% of presentations are by our EM attending physicians or guest faculty, and 25% by emergency medicine residents.
  • We regularly utilize Foundations of Emergency Medicine (, which is an innovative and small-group based interactive session that employs the flipped classroom model.
  • Simulation experience occurs in conference and in our state of the art simulation lab.
  • PGY-1 EM residents give one 1/2 hour lecture their first year, PGY-2's give two 1/2 hour lectures, and PGY-3's give four 1/2 hour and two hour-long lectures.


Dr's. Christian Zuver and Christine VanDillen are Co-Directors of our EMS Program. Our current EMS model is a longitudinal program that begins with EMS ride along shifts during intern year and culminates in a dedicated EMS month during PGY2 year.


Drs. Stephen Leech and Jillian Davison are Co-Directors of our EM Ultrasound Program. Drs. Leech and Davison are fellowship-trained and continue to improve the Ultrasound curriculum through clinical training, active research, and expansion of the program. Dr. Leech led the creation of a website ( which provides residents with narrated video feedback of their bedside ultrasounds to improve their sonographic skills.