• Electronic Release of Information

    NEW Online Medical Record Access

    Health Central Hospital is pleased to announce that you can now request that copies of your medical records be provided to you, or someone else on your behalf, in an electronic format.  Your records will be processed by our Release of Information Partner, IOD Incorporated.

    To receive your records electronically, please follow these 4 easy steps:

    1. Complete a Request for Electronic Release and Authorization Forms (available on our website) and deliver it, or mail it, together with a copy of your driver's license, or other picture ID, to: Health Central Hospital Medical Records, 10000 West Colonial Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761; or fax to: (407) 253-1637
    2. Provide your email address so that we can notify you when the records are available for you to download
    3. You will receive an email from Healthport with secure instructions on how to access your records from the secure website
    4. You may retrieve your records and be able to print them, or save them to your computer for your use.

    Please allow 5-7 business days for processing.

    Release of Information Form

  • Gift Shop

    Visit Health Central Hospital's Gift Shop online to send flowers or gifts to your loved one!

  • Hospital Medical Staff - Health Central Hospital

    Community Relations
    Dawn Willis
    (407) 296-1496

    Medical Staff Services

    Jose Araneta
    (321) 843-5564

  • Patient Portal

    We offer a free online patient portal to provide an easy and secure way to manage your health information from any location at a time that is convenient for you.

    Read More

  • Visiting Hours

    General nursing areas – Scheduled visiting hours are from 9 am to 9 pm daily and at other times at the discretion of the Charge Nurse.

    The units of critical care (CCU, ICC, PCU, TMU, MSU) – Visiting hours are more open although nighttime visitation may be limited at the discretion of the Charge Nurse. Barring unusual circumstances, visitors are limited to two at a time at the bedside.