Health Central Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy Care

The Atrium Outpatient Pharmacy and retail store is open to the public. Located on the first floor of Health Central Hospital, the pharmacy is able to fill prescriptions and carries over-the-counter products available for purchase. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5:30pm. Most major insurance plans and credit cards are accepted.

Q. Do you accept worker's comp prescriptions?
Yes, we will be glad to call your employer/insurance in order to process your prescription.

Q. How do you transfer a prescription?
Just bring in your bottle from the other pharmacy and we'll do the rest to transfer the prescription. If you don't have your old bottle, give us the name of your medication and the phone number for the pharmacy. We'll do the rest.

Q. What is the Atrium Prescription Plan?
We provide co-pays of $4.99/ $10.00 on over 100 generics for a 30-/90-day supply. Call or come in to find out if you medication is on the list.

Q. Will I pay more with Atrium?
We take most insurance plans. Your co-pays will remain the same from pharmacy to pharmacy.

For more information call 407.296.1912 or fax to: 407.296.2036.