Health Central Hospital Emergency Care

The Health Central Hospital Emergency Department is staffed with 10 Emergency medicine doctors as well as 500 in-house specialists and Board Certified doctors. Complete with such abilities as the Interventional Cardiac Cath Lab and equipment such as our 64-slice CT scan, Health Central Hospital (Diagnostic Capability Full Service Hospital) has been awarded a State License and accredited by the Joint Commission.

What Can I Expect When I Arrive? 
Time matters. As soon as possible after you arrive in the Emergency Department, you will be seen and assessed by a Triage Nurse - a nurse specially trained in Emergency Care. Following a nationally recognized Triage Standard, this nurse determines the order in which patients are seen, based on your condition.

How Long is the Wait?
It is very difficult for the Triage Nurse to accurately predict how long you will have to wait. It depends on the number of patients already in the department and the level of care they require. If while waiting, you feel your condition has worsened, please inform the Triage Nurse immediately. People who require the most urgent care will be treated first. However, everyone will be treated as soon as possible.

How to Know Where to Go:

Emergency Fast Track
Located in the Health Central Hospital Emergency Department (ED), the Emergency Fast Track is the after-hour alternative for non-life threatening situations. Usually less complicated and may take less time than a visit to the acute care section of the ED, the Emergency Fast Track can assist you with blood work, x-rays, stitches and bandages or splints.

Emergency Room
The Emergency Department is for severe health issues requiring immediate care such as:

  • Severe pain, chest pain or chest tightness
  • Difficulty breathing or choking
  • A laceration or possible broken bone
  • Sudden or severe headache, vision problems or dizziness
  • Sudden weakness, numbness and/or tingling in the face/arms/legs or trouble speaking
  • Showing signs of dehydration (no tears, a dry mouth, or is not urinating) in a child with diarrhea and vomiting
  • A child with fever who is very sleepy or hard to wake up

If your condition warrants a visit to the Emergency Department, don't hesitate to call 911.